3M ProShield sign laminate is our most premium laminate. ProShield provides an extra thick layer of protection making your sign practically indestructible! Easily remove marks and graffiti from your sign while resisting abrasion, fading and weathering from all the elements.
Perfectly Communicates to English and Non-English Speakers at Multiplex Building
This sign will take some impact before denting. It’s heavy duty. And, I appreciate the standardized look as a method of serious communication. Tenants of my multiplex have been parking with their bumpers right up against the back of my building in a lot that is woefully undesignated with respect to parking rules. As the most-recent owner, it’s up to me to establish proper boundaries for what has turned out to be an unpleasant parking experience for tenants. The people of my building are non-English speaking, so I appreciate the graphic nature of this sign which requires no translation. I also appreciate the red arrow, as the sign will be placed along a back wall, and the No Parking restrictions apply to the entire length of that wall. I will be installing the, Park In Assigned Areas Only, sign below this one for English-speaking tenants who may be renting in the future.