Accessible parking laws in Illinois

In addition the protections provided by federal law, all of which are also included in Illinois state law, Illinois Human Rights Law prohibits discrimination against several other classes of persons. For the purposes of disabilities, however, it does not differ from federal law. Localities may add further protections, and also have local-level agencies for investigation and enforcement, as is the case in Chicago.

Who do I contact if my accessible parking rights are infringed in the state of Illinois?

If your landlord or employer isn’t providing enough accessible parking, we encourage to use the forms on our Resources page to request that they add more. This is usually the first step in straightening out any accessible parking problem.

Claims of discrimination are made via the Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR). While general discrimination claims must be filed within 180 days of the discriminatory incident, victims of housing discrimination have up to one year. The state’s website provides great information on fair housing laws, including informational videos on your rights and a guide to the pros and cons of settling your claim. They also welcome questions from potential complainants before filing at their Housing Inquiry Line at (312)-814-6229, or email at [email protected].

To file a complaint, you have to fill out their Housing Complaint Intake Form, and send it (signed) via fax or mail to an IDHR office at one of these locations. IDHR asks that you provide as much information as possible (i.e., your correspondence with your housing provider) along with your initial filing. If you are filing with the City of Chicago’s Commission on Human Relations, the process is slightly different, and you should consult their instructions.

Once you file with IDHR, an investigator will examine documents and interview parties, and help facilitate a settlement if possible. If there is substantial evidence of discrimination, there will be another attempt at mediation with a staff attorney. If this fails, the claim will be filed and a hearing will be held in front of an administrative law judge, unless either party chooses to file in civil court. Although the IDHR will have an attorney seeking the appropriate fine or other remedy for the violation, this attorney is representing the state’s interest in enforcing the law, not you personally. At this stage, hiring an attorney could be helpful.

In addition to the great resources available at the IDHR website, there are a variety of local level governmental and non-profit fair housing groups in Illinois, as well as legal aid resources listed on IDHR’s website. In addition, the Chicago Fair Housing Alliance provides support and works with other local aid organizations, including one specializing in accessibility issues. Further statewide resources can be found listed here.