View report

3932 unit 1
St. Louis
Can’t get
tk8 y3h

We currently have a situation where a woman is exploiting handicap resources and defrauding the city. It is unjust that she is taking advantage of her age to obtain a handicap plate, and the state is providing her with additional tags for her car, intended for use by friends or family who may need to transport her. However, instead of using these tags as intended, she is allowing her friends to park in her designated handicap spot while she parks elsewhere, disregarding the rules. This unfair exploitation of the system is causing chaos in our community, affecting all of us who reside here. It’s absolutely not fair I have uploaded a photo to show you that she’s not even parking in a handicap spot at all. This is how she takes advantage of the system. She’s not even using the handicap spot that was given to her to be thankful enough that they give her a handicap spot but yet she wants to cause chaos been a parking in the spot, but handing out her handicap, parking spot passes to all of her friends.