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3932 unit one
St. Louis
Can’t get

Subject: Report of Handicap Parking Fraud Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to bring to your attention a concerning case of handicap parking fraud that I have observed in my community. It has come to my attention that a woman, whose identity I am aware of, is taking advantage of the disability benefits provided by the state. I believe it is crucial to address this matter promptly to ensure fairness and justice for those who genuinely require handicap parking spaces. The woman in question is not utilizing her handicap feature as intended. Instead of using the designated handicap parking spot, she is exploiting the system by obtaining multiple window stickers and distributing them to her friends and family. This allows her acquaintances to park in handicap spots without any legitimate need, causing chaos and inconvenience for those who genuinely require these spaces. This behavior is not only a disgrace but also an embarrassment to our community. It is disheartening to witness someone taking advantage of a system that is meant to assist individuals with disabilities. The purpose of handicap parking spaces is to provide accessibility and convenience for those who face physical challenges, and it is deeply unfair that this woman is misusing this privilege for her personal gain. I kindly request that your department thoroughly investigates this matter and takes appropriate action to address this fraudulent activity. It is essential to ensure that the benefits provided to individuals with disabilities are not misused or exploited by those who do not genuinely require them. By doing so, we can uphold the integrity of the handicap parking system and ensure that those in need can access the resources they require. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will handle this case with the seriousness it deserves. If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at the provided contact details. sincerely, The photo below the red car it should be the one in the handicap parking spot but instead she’s giving it to one of her fellow friends.